Thursday, January 10, 2013

SharePoint 2010 - Creating Web Application, Site Collections And Subsites

So far we have discussed about the installation and general SharePoint environment and settings. Now we move on to create a Web Application along with site collections.

Before we start, let's a take a look at the Sites hierarchy again. 
Based on the hierarchy shown in the above figure we will perform the following tasks:
1) Create a Web Application.
2) Create 2 Site Collections inside the web application. (Top Level Sites)
3) Create a Subsite under each site collection.

So lets get started...

1) Create a Web Application

Open Central Admin Site and go to Application Management-> Manage Web Application.

The Web Application Management page opens. Click on "New" button.

A pop-up window for creating web application will appear.

Lets take a quick look on each of the sections.

There are 2 modes of authentiaction.
i) Classic Mode Authentication is the standard IIS windows authentication which we had been using in the prior version of SharePoint too.
ii) Claims Based Authentication for SharePoint Server 2010 is built on the Windows Identity Foundation, which is a set of .NET Framework classes that are used to implement claims-based identity.

IIS Web Site
You can select to choose an existing IIS web site or create a fresh one. Enter a port number (Port umber 80 is reserved for http) and the virtual path for the directory in IIS. Fortunately all these setting are already set by SharePoint and it is advisable not to change it except the port numbers.

Security Configuration
Choose the setting preferred in windows authentication mode, though it is already set by SharePoint by Default.

Public URL
Enter a url of your choice like a "display name". Internally. the URL will remain same.
Application Pool
Predefine by SharePoint. Yet you can change the managed accounts and .net version.

Database Name and Authentication
This is the back-end content database settings. For each web application, a new content database is created. The database name is WSS_Content_{guid} which auto genterated. As a good practice we replace the GUID with port number to easily identify the database. For eg: WSS_Content_3000

Service Application Connections
Shows which all service applications are configured for this web application.
Failover Database

Once all the configuration are done, click OK button to create the web application.

Once the web application is created, the following pop-up will appear and you will be prompted to create a site Collection.
Note:- You will not we able to use the web application unless you create atleast one site collection.

2) Create 2 Site Collections inside the web application

Now lets move on and create 2 site collections in the web application we just created.

Click on Create Site Collection from the pop-up in the previous figure. Following page will appear.

Choose the web application. By default it shown the newly created one.

Enter the Site Collection Title. We will go with "SiteCollection1" for better understanding.

Select a template for you site. We select "Team site".

Enter the Primary and secondary Site Collection administrators.

You can choose a quota to limit contnet of this site collection.

Click Ok button and the following page will open with site collection created message.

 Click on the Site Collection link and open you new site.

Repeat the same steps and create one more site collection name "SiteCollection2". Choose a "Blog" template this time.
 You can create one one root site collection. All new site collection will come under managed path named "Site" or you can create a custom managed path.

Once all setting are done click OK button and the new SiteCollection name SiteCollection2 is created.

Go to central admin site and got to Application Management-> View All Site Collections

 Observe carefully the url path for both the site collections.

Point to notice
1) "SiteCollection1" is created at root and therefore the site url is "http://home:3000"
2) "Site Collection2" is created in the managed path named "sites" and therefore its url is "http://home:3000/sites/SiteCollection2"

Now lets create sub-sites under "SiteCollection1" and "SiteCollection2".

3) Create a Subsite under each site collection.

We will create a subsite name SubSite1 under SiteCollection1 and another subsite name SubSite2 under SiteCollection2. So lets get started...

Go to the SiteCollection1 Site.

Select a template and enter the Title and URL. Click Create button.

New subsite named SubSite1 is created under SiteCollection1

Repeat the same steps and create a new subsite named SubSite2 under SiteCollection2.

 The new subsite named SubSite2 is created under SiteCollection2.

we have now created a web application with the following Hierarchy.

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